Treatment Options
Glaucoma Treatment Options in Pittsburgh
Medical technology can often times bring miracles. Glaucoma is usually treated with daily eye drops that decrease eye pressure either by slowing the amount of fluid produced within the eye or by improving the flow through the drainage angle. Glaucoma medications may produce side effects, so be sure to talk to your doctor if you experience any unusual symptoms.
In a standard, operating room procedure, your doctor can also use fine, microsurgical instruments to create a new drainage channel for outflow of aqueous fluid. Though serious complications of modern glaucoma surgery are uncommon, they can occur. Surgery is recommended if your ophthalmologist feels that it is necessary to prevent further damage to the optic nerve.
Trabeculectomy is a surgical procedure performed by an ophthalmologist used to lower eye pressure. By trying to lower the eye pressure damage can be halted from further pressure increases but that damage already done is not reversible.
The trabeculectomy procedure involves the surgeon creating a tiny passageway from the inside to the outside of your eye. This helps fluid drain better from the areas it is presently not draining. A trabeculectomy can lower the pressure in your eye and help prevent more damage to the optic nerve. Trabeculectomy is more commonly used after other treatment options have not been successful or are simply not stopping the increasing IOP (Intraocular Pressure).
AquaFlow™ Collagen Glaucoma Product
AquaFlow™ (Manufactured by Staar Surgical Inc.) is a relatively advancement in the treatment of glaucoma and its symptoms that reduces IOP with a small collagen implant. Your ophthalmologist can properly insert this glaucoma drainage implant under the white part of the eye also known as the sclera. AquaFlow works by increasing fluid outflow to reduce intraocular pressure associated with glaucoma. Inserting this implant can provide certain lifestyle advantages but must be approved by your ophthalmologist. There are various treatment options for Glaucoma and certain time periods or pressure levels require different solutions.
Glaucoma Shunt
Image of Glaucoma Shunt
A Glaucoma Shunt is a drainage device, also known as tube shunts. These shunts are implanted into the eye and are intended to assist with drainage. They create a drainage passage for fluid. This procedure is sometimes chosen for individuals at a high risk of failure with the more common traditional glaucoma procedure known as (trabeculectomy). The company Optonol has made some advances in this technology over the past few years (SEE Optonol)
Laser Surgery
Laser surgery treatments may be recommended for certain types of glaucoma. In open-angle glaucoma, a laser can be used to modify the drain to help control eye pressure.
In angle-closure glaucoma, the laser can be used to create a hole in the iris to improve the flow of aqueous to the drainage angle.
SLT – Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty
Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty is quickly becoming a widely accepted treatment option in glaucoma treatment. SLT offers a new glimpse of hope for glaucoma patients. By engaging in this NEW laser technology the ophthalmologists can now lower pressure that can possibly help a patient avoid a more invasive surgery. The surgery might even reduce the dependence on medications or drops.
What does the procedure do?
SLT actually lowers (IOP) intraocular pressure by creating relatively small pulsing low-energy laser light to target cells in the trabecular mesh system of the eye.